- Home
- Staff
- Pastor: Tommy Culwell
- Youth Minister: Silas Ingram
- Administrative Assistant: Lavada Starr
- Music Minister: Heather Jarvis
- Pianist: Lynn Millwood
- Custodian: Tammy Harvell
- Ministries
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- The Greatest Story Ever Told
- A Revolutionary Reversal
- Costly Christianty
- Defending The Faith
- Faith Moving Forward
- The Promise of Power
- Waiting To Be Filled
- The Testing & Triumph of Faith
- The Soul of a Seeker
- Managing A Mystery
- The Path Through Paganism
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- The Cradle, The Cross and The Crown
- Recreating the Creation
- Blood Relatives
- The Culmination of Creation
- The Origin of Everything
- A Lingering Good-Bye
- Surprised by a Savior
- Paul's Church Growth Plan
- A King's Accomplishments
- A Strange Place to Start
- Crowning Our King
- Convicted by His Conviction
- The Danger of Distance
- There Is Hope
- My Yoke is Easy
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- Forgiveness Large or Small
- Lists
- Jesus Calls Us Over the Tumult
- This is the Gospel
- The Supreme Redeemer
- A New Kind of King
- Found in His Focus
- Manufacturing a Follower
- Unterrfied by the Terrifying
- Invitation to the Invisible
- Locating The Lost
- Wisdom With Wealth
- Your Worthy of Life Now
- A Defining Declaration
- The Wisdom of a Weeping Woman
- Life's Authority
- An Unfractured Foundation
- A Different Direction
- Defeating the Demonic
- Rooftop Redemption
- An Invitation to an Inbreaking
- A Cosmic Hope
- Transforming Truth
- A Permanent Perception
- The Legacy of His Life
- The Trouble With Treasure
- The Tracks of Treasure
- The Reality of a Relationship
- The Father's Focus
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- Orchard of the Almighty
- An Angelic Answer
- More Than Words Can Say
- Enduring the Even-thoughs
- A World of Want
- The Clues of the Creator
- Crisis of Character
- Sustaining a Soul
- Empowered Purpose
- Gleaning From the Greeting
- The Living King
- The King on the Cross
- Truth on Trial
- Glory in a Garden
- A Word of Awakening
- The Central Command
- Knowing The God Jesus Knows
- The Issue of Identity
- The Gift Given
- Counting the Cost
- Perseverance Under Pressure
- Winning over Worry
- Slavery or Servanthood
- Infiltration and Transformation
- Faith In The Fire
- The Tactics of Transformation
- The Heart of Happiness
- The Basis of Our Blessings
- A Duel With The Devil
- The One and Only
- The Life Creating Code
- The Family's Foundation
- The Character of Our King
- A Reckoning at The Rock
- Red Sea Redemption
- Judge, Jury, and Justifier
- The Outline of New Life
- The Reference in the Wreckage
- Spilled and Applied
- A Cosmic Confrontation
- Capable of Contentment
- The Curriculmum of Christianity
- Trash and Treasure
- Sacrifice and Supremacy
- A Recipe for Renewal
- The Origin & Aim of Life
- The Finished Work
- The Hope of Heaven
- The Valuable Gospel
- About Us
- Salvation
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- Meet our Deacons
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